Yuhki Kuramoto

Yuhki Kuramoto

15 videó - 2010
Kuramoto writes primarily for the piano, though orchestral arrangements for some of his pieces exist. Born in Urawa-ku, Saitama, Kuramoto studied the piano from an early age. At school, he studied Rachmaninoff and performed as a part-time soloist in orchestras. He later went on to study at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and obtained a masters degree in Applied Physics. Kuramoto chose to become a musician.

Adieu - Yuhki Kuramoto
Appassionato - Yuhki Kuramoto
Calming Island - Yuhki Kuramoto
Dreaming Little Boat - Yuhki Kuramoto
Forest - Yuhki Kuramoto (Piano Version)
Gentle Song - Yuhki Kuramoto
In An Old Castle - Yuhki Kuramoto
In a Beautiful Season - Yuhki Kuramoto (String Version)
Lake Louise (Orchestred) - Yuhki Kuramoto
Meditation (Orchestred) - Yuhki Kuramoto
Nostalgia - Yuhki Kuramoto
Romance - Yuhki Kuramoto
Timeless Love - Yuhki Kuramoto (Piano Version)
Various Kind Of Love - Yuhki Kuramoto
Waltz For Chopin - Yuhki Kuramoto


Adieu - Yuhki Kuramoto

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Létrehozás dátuma: csütörtök, 2011. október 27. Nézettség: 339
