Sonidus gyűjtései 600-700

83 videó
592 Gyimesközéplok János Zerkula on his 80th birthday. Zerkula János köszöntése.
604 Miskolc, táncház 1993 Hungarian dance house
605 Eger/Fedémes Women's choir of Fedémes, Hungary (2002). Fedémesi asszonyok.
606 Eger Hungarian Gypsy band playing at a folk dancing club. Egri táncház Tarnaleleszi banda
606 Nekézseny Making ewe's curd. Juhtúró készítése.
607 Gajdos zenekar 2000 Fujara improvisation
608 Miskolc Üsztürü táncház 2000 Hungarian dance house
609 Miskolc táncház 1992 betlemehezés, kántálás, Christmas tradition
610 Miskolc Matokabinde táncház 2000 Hungarian dance house
611 Miskolc folk dancing club Funeral parody. Miskolc táncház tréfás temetés.
612 Miskolc 2001 táncház Hungarian Dance House
615 Miskolci Gajdos táncház 2000, Hungarian dance house
616 Miskolc 2000 Barsi Csaba Hungarian dance f Transylvania
617 Miskolc, Üsztürü és Barsi Csaba Transylvanian Folk Dance
618 Miskolc dance house legényes Hungarian lad dance
619 Herdsmen eating around the cauldron, 1936 Pásztorok esznek a bogrács körül ülve
620 Chief herdsman János Czinege dancing at Hortobágyi inn Czinege János számadó csikós tánca
621 A mangalica sow with her piglets. Mangalica koca malacaival
622 Close-up of a Hungarian racka sheep. Rackajuh portré közeli
623 Traditional horsemans fare. Hagyományos csikós ételek
624 Old shepherds chatting.Öreg juhászok egymás közt beszélgetnek
625 A herdsman or an electric fence? Gulyás vagy villanypásztor?
626 Horses grazing on the Hortobágy plain. Legelésző lovak a Hortobágyon
627 A dung fire biofuel. Tüzelő marhatrágyából "árvagané"
628 Hortobágy Hungarian shepherds singing. Pásztormulatság
629 Potta Géza: Kossuth nóta részlet, Kossuth song
630 Hortobágy 'sinka' dog at work, Sinka típusú pásztorkutyák
631 Hortobágy 'sinka' dog, Sinka típusú pásztorkutyák
632 Hortobágy Hungarian herdsmen cooking gulyás. Így készül a gulyás.
633 Hortobágy Hungarian "gulyás" (herdsman) cooking goulash. Így készül a gulyás.
635 Hortobágy Hungarian Grey bull. Magyar szürke bika legel
644 Ostoros, 1930s - A round dance. Karikázó tánc 1930as évek.
645 Andornaktálya, 1930s Shepherds dance. Pásztortánc 1930asévek.
646 Erdőbénye 1970es évek szüret, grape harvesting feast
652 Tard, 1940 Boys playing. "Héja" fiúk játszanak.
653 Tard, 1940 Children skipping in a pair. Páros szökdelés.
654 Tard, 1940 Girl's spinning. Lányok forognak.
655 Domaháza Vasvári and czardas folk dance. "Vasvári" és csárdás.
656 Tardona, circa 1975 Dancing. Csárdás ének tánc
659 Parádsasvár "Mátrai ősjuhar" Acer acuminatilobum (an endemic maple)
661 Nekézseny Making ewe's cheese. Gomolya készítése.
662 Nekézseny A "Slovak" cart. "Tót" szekér bemutatása.
663 Nekézseny A sheepdog at work. Juhok szétválogatása.
664 Nekézseny Milking pen and dogs. Nekézseny fejőállás és kutyák.
665 Nekézseny Pasture in the Bükk mountains. Nekézseny legelő.
666 Hortobágy Koch-five Steppe five show. Pusztai ötös.
669 Répáshuta Carving a handle. Nyél faragás vonószéken Carving stool
671 Tar templom Szűz Mária szobor Village Virgin Mary statue
672 Tardona Folk ballad: "Vidróczky's 'flock' of pigs". "A Vidróczky manganyája" ének
673 Tardona Song: "Vidróczky". "A Vidróczky" ének
674 Tardona Traditional wedding greeting. A "fejfokosok" beköszöntője.
677 Tardona The grain harvest. Munkamegosztás aratáskor
680 Hortobágy 1936 - Traditional fair . Hortobágy 1936 Hídi vásár II
681 Hortobágy 1936 Traditional fair. Hortobágy 1936 Hídi vásár
682 Hortobágy 1936 pig herding. Hortobágy 1936 Kanásztülök.
683 Filmterv II: "Luca naptól Vízkeresztig a Zoborvidékén"
684 Film idea I: Vidróczkys famous flock" Filmterv I: „A Vidróczky híres nyája"
685 Hungary: Folk Dance, Bátai Gyöngyösbokréta, 1936 Bátai táncok: üveges, ugrós, karikázó. üvegcsárdás
686 Mezocsat 2008 aug tom vizjel
687 Mezőcsát: Hungarian Shepherd song. Pásztornóta a Borsodi Mezőségről
689 562tol569KolozsMera2008aprilis DV PAL
690 562tol569KolozsMera2008aprilis DV PAL
690b 562tol569KolozsMera2008aprilis Kiscsipás
690c 562tol569KolozsMera2008aprilis DV PAL
691 Nagyvisnyó református ének
692 Nagyvisnyó "Jövel Szentlélek Úristen" Pünkösdi református ének
693 570 572 Nagyvisnyo20080501 DV PAL
694 570 572 Nagyvisnyo20080501 DV PAL
695 Nagyvisnyó "Jövel Szentlélek Úristen" pünkösdi ének
696 573tol577GomorVarhosszuret20080531 DV PAL Anamorphic
697 573tol577GomorVarhosszuret20080531 DV PAL Anamorphic
Híradó oktober 08 Hagyományos Székely Termékek Őszi vására
Sírnak rínak a bárányok, Elfogyott a takarmányok, 634 Hungarian racka sheep on the Hortobágy plain. Rackanyáj a Hortobágyon
Sonidus 636 János talks about the old chief herdsmen. János bá régi csikós számadókról mesél
Sonidus 637 Szürkemarha tehén borjúval Gray cattle veal
Sonidus 638 Magyar szürkemarha (másképpen magyar marha) legel - alsó gépállás, kistotál, horizont.
Sonidus 639 Lajos bá a túristabemutatókról, hortobágyi csikósruha
Sonidus 640 Kiscsipás, Kalotaszeg. Both Miklós és Csoóri Sündi gyűjtése.
Sonidus 641 Kiscsipás a hegedűnél, Kalotaszegi, Csak az ujjait nézd! Both Miklós és Csoóri Sündi gyűjtése.
Sonidus 642 Őrkő cigányfiú csapásolás bemutató


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684 Film idea I: Vidróczkys famous flock" Filmterv I: „A Vidróczky híres nyája"

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Feladás dátuma: csütörtök, 2010. szeptember 30. Nézettség: 487



Videó megjegyzések

csütörtök, 2010. szeptember 30. 08:24
Zoltán Kodály pointed out that in the absence of written records, the earliest period of Hungarys musical history, prior to the foundation of the Hungarian state, can be explored through the old Hungarian folk songs. A key element of his life's work was to return the cultural heritage preserved by the peasant and herding community to the public domain. An example of this also crops up in his mixed-choral work Mátra Pictures, for example in the traditional descending pentatonic song that begins with the words Vidróczky's famous flock. Inspired by this melody and lyric we set off to document, and present this sadly disappearing world, of which only a few representatives are still alive today. Will we be able to save, for posterity, examples of the culture in which Kodály, among the village-dwellers of Nógrád, Heves, Borsod and what used to be Gömör county [now the Gemer region of Slovakia] was able to immerse himself ? Will we succeed in recording a way of life that is slipping irretrievably into the past, preserving its memory for future generations through the medium of television, so that they can at least gain a glimpse of the former splendour?
In detail:
Children in Hungary are taught Zoltán Kodály's musical play Matra Pictures at school. Many are touched by the beauty of the old-fashioned tunes, and even sing the song beginning Vidrockys famous flock, but they are completely unfamiliar with the culture from which the melody and the lyric originated.
Today this tune, or to be more precise this family of tunes, has long been the subject of research by Hungarian musicologists. Previously, the descending pentatonic melodies were categorised among the oldest forms of Hungarian music, and based on comparative data from the Mari, Mordvinic, Tatare etc. cultures, their origins have been dated at thousands of years ago. According to a handful of more recent studies, this family of melodies probably gained popularity among the Hungarians only some 1,500 years ago, and could have been influenced by the pentatonic musical culture of the Turkish peoples. At any event, this family of melodies, which is represented by several thousand recordings, in hundreds of variants, archived by the Institute of Musical Science at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, can still be regarded as uniquely Hungarian, and until very recently was extremely popular among rural inhabitants, especially herders.
The lyrical variations associated with the tunes are widely varied, as beyond the classic folk songs containing classic images of nature, the works of reform-era poets, and folklore ballads have also been sung to these melodies, in such diversity that in the words of one collector it would take days just to read them out.
Márton Vidróczky (1837-1873) was born in Mónosbél in Heves county, between the Bükk and Mátra mountain ranges. Originally a shepherd, after the failure of Hungarys uprising against Austrian rule, he became a fugitive and an outlaw. He mainly sought refuge in the forests of the Mátra and Bükk mountains, and folk legend portrays him as a just, free man who defended the poor and was above the law, or rather was a law unto himself, but was also famous for his good looks, amorous affairs and revelling.
Zoltán Kodály, the famed composer and ethnomusicologist, was obviously inspired by the combination of an old melody and the stories of the characterful Vidróczky, and incorporated a version of the folk song into his mixed-choral work entitled Mátra Pictures (1930).
Is it possible to understand Kodálys art, or even the beauty of the folk song, without any understanding of the original community that nurtured them for so long? In our opinion it is not, which is why we are embarking on a voyage of discovery in the Bükk and Mátra region.
We plan to record local village-dwellers telling and singing true stories of Vidróczky, and showing us around beautiful locations such as the cave that once served as a hideout for the famous outlaw. We would like to introduce viewers to authentic local characters, such as Sándor, who lives in Lénárddaróc in the North Bükk region, and whose father's music was collected by Kodály himself in the course of his research. We hope that one day we will be able to record on film moments as special as the time we were lucky enough, at a shepherds gathering on the Hortobágy plain, to see and hear Sándor joining in with the band to sing, in the true original style, his father's favourite song: Vidróczkys Famous Flock.
Ennek a dallamnak és szövegnek kapcsán indultunk el, hogy dokumentáljuk és művészi eszközökkel bemutassuk azt a sajnos eltűnő világot, amelynek ma már csak utolsó képviselői élnek köztünk.
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