Közgazdaságtan, gazdaság

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Köllő János, Kertesi Gábor
Bognár Kata, Smith Lones
Szalavetz Andrea
A 'Heckscher-Ohlin' model and some time-series analyses
Buzás Sándor, Habuda Judit, Novák Csaba
Herrendorf Berthold, Valentinyi Ákos
An estimation of the productivity-wage gap in Hungary 1986-2005
Lovász Anna, Rigó Mariann
A comparison of mature private credit markets and markets in transition
Major Iván
Is it life-long learning or the outcome of state intervention in educational choices?
Varga Júlia
Evidence from the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS)
Köllő János
What can be learnt from history and what cannot
Muraközy László
Hosznyák András
Csajbók Attila
Σχετικά μέ τó ζήτημα τoυ σoσιαλιστικoύ τρóπoυ ζωής
Kozma Ferenc

643 | 22 / 22 oldal